Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Devil's Been Playing With Matches

Far-right Trumpist "pastor" Robert Jeffries' First Baptist Church in Dallas has suffered severe damage as a result of a fire late yesterday.  Jeffries has been one of the immoral Malignant Loser's strongest supporters in the Christofascist movement. Thankfully, no injuries have been reported. From the Dallas Morning News:

"One resident who lives several blocks away said she heard a “boom” loud enough to rattle her windows. But Borse said first responders could not confirm whether there was a 'boom' when the fire broke out. Two other people who were near the church said they did not hear a boom.

Lovvorn said he believed the fire started shortly after 6 p.m. But added he did not yet know the cause.

Officers from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives were at the church Saturday. They were not conducting their own investigation, but assisting the Dallas fire department and helping process the scene, said ATF Dallas spokesperson Sara Abel. 'A lot of the time, we get called in to just assist, and that’s where we are at this point,'” Abel said."

Clearly the result of heathens opposed to the Almighty's chosen: the felonious, adulturous, pathological lying, sexually abusive Malignant Loser. 

(photo: Jeffries, on the left, voicing an incantation over his non-religious cult leader. Andrew Harrer / Bloomberg / Getty Images)

1 comment:

  1. I'm waiting for the 2024 version of the Reichstag fire. Hell, I initially thought the shooting at the trump rally was staged.
