Sunday, July 7, 2024

The NATO Summit Under Trump's Cloud

Leaders of all 32 NATO nations will be convening in Washington, D.C., this week to affirm their commitment to their common defense and to discuss the provision of support to Ukraine in the face of the Russian invasion and war crimes. The shadow hanging over the conference will be this year's Presidential election, with the NATO-bashing Malignant Loser's odds gaining steam. From the WaPo

"NATO — made up of 32 European and North American allies committed to defending each other from armed attack — will stress strength through solidarity as it celebrates its 75th anniversary during the summit starting Tuesday. Event host Biden, who pulled allies into a global network to help Ukraine fight off Russia's invasion, has called the alliance the most unified it has ever been.

But behind the scenes, a dominant topic will be preparing for possible division, as the power of far-right forces unfriendly to NATO grows in the U.S. and other countries including France, raising concerns about how strong support will stay for the alliance and the military aid that its members send to Ukraine.

At the presidential debate, Biden asked Trump: 'You’re going to stay in NATO or you’re going to pull out of NATO?' Trump tilted his head in a shrug." (our emphasis)

The treasonous Malignant Loser will do what Russian thug and war criminal Vladimir Putin asks him to do, because he's been long compromised by the Kremlin, likely with promises of financial gain if he treats Russia right. The shrug that the Malignant Loser answered Biden's question with speaks volumes about his commitment to democracy here and abroad; it was no doubt noticed by a gleeful Kremlin, which will use its dark web and intelligence services in supporting his election. NATO leaders are fully aware of the danger of another term of the Malignant Loser, and are proposing steps to insulate the alliance:

"Even before the debate, European governments were deep in consultations on what they could do to ensure that NATO, Western support for Ukraine and the security of individual NATO countries will endure should Trump win back the presidency in November and temper U.S. contributions.

Some Americans and Europeans call it 'Trump-proofing' NATO — or 'future-proofing' it when the political advances of other far-right political blocs in Europe are factored in.

This week’s summit, held in the city where the mutual-defense alliance was founded in 1949, was once expected to be a celebration of NATO’s endurance. Now, a European official said, it looks 'gloomy.'” (our emphasis)

While foreign policy / national security policy issues are typically a low priority for many insular, short-sighted voters, the collapse of NATO would be catastrophic to our security and would endanger not only western Europe but democracies across the globe fighting off authoritarian movements. Along with the Malignant Loser's election, it would be a monumental gift to tyrants in Moscow, Beijing, Pyongyang, and Tehran. 

(photo: Brookings Institution)


1 comment:

seafury said...

WAtch for him to pull out of NATO and sign a "non agression "pact with Putin. Hell, Maybe we'll be two sides to the same coin. The Russians know a thing or two about oligarchy, They could really show the 1 percent how it's done.