Saturday, July 13, 2024

Tweets / Xeets Of The Day


Project 2025 authors welcome RNC to Milwaukee. But Trump never heard of them --

Bizness jeenyus Elon Musk knows which side his bread is buttered on... NOT -- 


The Malignant Loser, in the role of the hare in "The hare and the tortoise" fable -- 

The Malignant Loser, in the role of Sgt. "I know noth-ing" Schultz regarding Project 2025 --


Meanwhile, a vision for the future is presented by Biden -- 

Praise the Lord and pass the voter suppression -- 

Pretty good advice -- 

More evidence that Facebook's / Meta's Zuck sucks --


And how about those 18 consecutive holes-in-one at the golf course yesterday? 



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