Monday, July 29, 2024

Tweets / Xeets Of The Day

"When we fight, we win.  Let's get to work" -- 



The weird Dementia Don --


Typhoid Trump --


Trump agrees to "victim interview"with FBI. Because he loves playing the victim --

The weird Junior Demagogue keeps digging that hole --


... while NYC sanitation pwns his couch affair 😁 --


Paging Mike Pence ... --



"Rambunctious" sleazeball --


What's that Musk-y smell? A fascist oligarch named Elon Musk --



Brazen and criminal electoral fraud in Venezuela --



Putin's Wagner Group mercenaries suffer mal du Mali -- 

🎶 Memories ... --



1 comment:

Commander Zaius said...

Musk is a goddamn threat to national security. He definitely has a messiah complex.