Saturday, July 20, 2024

Tweets / Xeets of the Day


Did the NRA give its approval? --

It's all about standards -- 

"Shhhh, don't mention abortion. It's a loser for us" -- 

Dems: if you live in Ohio, check to make sure you're registered to vote by MONDAY --  

Pete Buttigieg hands J. D. Vance his ass on a silver platter -- 

Here's the type of January 6 neo-Nazi that the Malignant Loser would pardon -- 

Just a little glitch in our IT world and BOOM -- 

Evergreen: "Huckleberry" Graham's rare moment of truth (2016) about his cult leader --

Taking U.S. hostages is the Kremlin's means of getting their criminals repatriated. Period.  --

WARNING: Second hand smoke may have a stoner effect -- 


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