Thursday, July 18, 2024

Tweets / Xeets of the Day


When J. D. Vance starts to outshine / outperform the Malignant Loser, watch out --

The reason J. D. Vance is Trump's VP pick rather than Mike Pence -- 


Kremlin loves that J. D. Vance! -- 

Grandma Vance was a real rootin' tootin' shootin' mama. And dangerous. -- 

Trump at the RNC is like a Roman emperor at the Colosseum -- 

Welcome back, comrade! How was prison? 

New York effing Times ignoring big split among Republican voters --

Botoxed Rep. Matt "Teen Spirit" Gaetz looking more alien than ever --


Disgraced, drunken Rudy has explanation for his tumble at the RNC: a hidden step!  --

Ukrainian Crimea has become unsafe for the Russian invaders. Slava Ukraini! -- 

WARNING: Stand clear! --


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