Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Musk-Trump "Interview" Bombs

After hyping last night's interview on the "X" social media platform as the "greatest interview," authoritarian bro Elon "Car Crash" Musk and his cult leader the Malignant Loser staged what might be the worst interview on that platform ever, even worse that the awful one Musk held with Ron "Bootsie" DeSantis. The site was plagued with technical difficulties that Musk attributed to a denial of service "attack', forcing the interview to begin almost an hour late. Here's reporting on the fiasco, starting with the HuffPo:

"Former President Donald Trump went on a two-hour tear of lies, exaggerations and fearmongering in a conversation Monday with billionaire Elon Musk on the X social media platform.

The chat between the two men, one the Republican nominee for president and the other the world’s richest man, is Trump’s latest effort to appeal to voters as Vice President Kamala Harris has continued to gain ground in the early days of her Democratic presidential bid. Musk, who has endorsed Trump, said the event was meant to let people “get a feel” for what the former president is like when he’s having a casual conversation."

It's hard to appeal to voters as their champion when you're exchanging compliments with an erratic mega-billionaire with fascist leanings. The Malignant Loser made sure that Musk's attention was appreciated:

"Throughout the conversation, Musk asked Trump softball questions that allowed the former president to stick to his talking points, including on immigration and the economy. He repeated parts of his campaign stump speech and was not challenged by Musk on any of his false claims.

The two men also heaped praise on each other, and Musk claimed, 'I think we’re at a fork in the road of destiny of civilization and I think we need to take the right path and, and I think you’re the right path.'

Trump said Musk’s endorsement 'meant a lot to me,' and added, 'Not all endorsements mean that much, to be honest. Your endorsement meant a lot.'”  (our emphasis)

"Destiny of civilization" sounded better in the original German. Also, Musk's endorsement is coming with millions of dollars, so of course it means a lot to the Malignant Loser who's behind on his legal bills.

Then there was the clear lisp that the Malignant Loser had throughout the interview, something widely noted:

(HuffPo, from link): "At several points throughout the interview, Trump’s speech sounded as if he had a lisp or was slurring his words, which attracted attention online."

(Newsweek) "Multiple people on social media believe they heard Donald Trump speaking with a lisp during his interview with Elon Musk. [snip]

At certain points during the interview, Trump's words sounded a bit odd, with users questioning whether it was due to technical issues, a lisp, or even if he was slurring."

(Reuters) "The former president sounded at several points as if he had a lisp, something many listeners noted on X. The Trump campaign did not respond to a request for comment about Trump's speech."

(Daily Mail) "Listeners of Donald Trump's Monday interview with Elon Musk on X sent the internet into overdrive after some noticed that the ex-president seemed to be speaking with a slight lisp."

Sounds like an age-related health problem that should be of concern as the Malignant Loser continues to come unglued as he faces defeat in November.

More here, here, and here.

(photos: AP)


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