Saturday, August 24, 2024

QOTD: Crackpot On The Fringe


Washington Post op-ed writer Karen Tumulty on weird RFK, Jr.'s decision to support the Malignant Loser:

"Were it not for the fact that he was blessed at birth with a revered name, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. might never have amounted to anything but a crackpot on the fringe.

Again and again, to the dismay of his extended family, RFK Jr. has sullied the Kennedy name and the dimming aura of Camelot by spreading misinformation and conspiracy theories, most dangerously ones that undermine public confidence in vaccines.

His bizarre campaign for president this year — with its revelations that he had a dead worm in his brain and once left the carcass of a bear cub in Central Park — was an embarrassment. But his announcement on Friday that he would “throw my support” to Donald Trump in battleground states represents a betrayal of a higher order.

Given how low Kennedy has been polling, his endorsement probably won’t make much of a difference in the presidential race. Yet in casting his lot with a former president who preaches intolerance and division, he has cast aside the principles for which generations of Kennedys have stood."  (our emphasis)

Kennedy's polls plummeted after V.P. Harris presented a strong and credible alternative to the Malignant Loser for independent and other voters, indicating that she drew some of his support away. Kennedy's own fringe positions, his backstory of sexual abuse and hard drug use, and the aforementioned bizarre revelations, put him in the MAGA "weird" camp where he finally belongs.

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