Monday, August 26, 2024

QOTD -- Ridicule Him!


"... Harris’s campaign so far has been a work of genius on several levels, but maybe the most ingenious stroke of all has been the decision to mock Trump—to present him not only as someone to fear but also to ridicule. Harris perfectly encapsulated this two-pronged attack in these memorable lines from her acceptance speech: 'In many ways, Donald Trump is an unserious man. But the consequences—but the consequences of putting Donald Trump back in the White House are extremely serious.… Just imagine Donald Trump with no guardrails.'

"But the emphasis has been on ridicule (Tim Walz’s 'weird' comment, Maryland Governor Wes Moore’s jab at Trump’s bone spurs, Barack Obama’s hilarious hand gesture when he was talking about Trump’s obsession with crowd size). It’s great on three levels. The first is that it must drive Trump nuts, and when he goes nuts, he says especially nutty things. Second, it’s arguably more persuasive to swing voters than calling Trump a fascist. Trump is a fascist, make no mistake. But he’s also ridiculous. Mocking him over his Hannibal Lecter obsession will stick in apolitical people’s minds far more strongly than warning about his plans to wreck the Justice Department, and in its way, it’s just as disqualifying. Do we really want a president who thinks an eater of human flesh, however fictional, was misunderstood?"  -- Michael Tomasky, in The New Republic, on the Malignant Loser's Achilles heel -- ridicule.  As lowly bloggers, we have always felt free to ridicule the Malignant Loser (see!?), and will continue to do so.  And, don't forget RFK, Jr.!  When the corporate media clutches its pearls at the Harris-Walz campaign doing the same, including "fact checking" the ludicrous, it's simply more proof that, rather than being "guardians of democracy," they're willing collaborators in the Malignant Loser's attack on it.

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