Thursday, August 1, 2024

Reactions To Trump's Racist, Sexist Remarks At The NABJ


Here are a few reactions to convicted felon Malignant Loser's racist and sexist remarks yesterday at the National Association of Black Journalists convention, about the woman who's going to kick his fat ass in November:

Vice President Harris

It was the same old show — the divisiveness and the disrespect, and let me just say, the American people deserve better... The American people deserve a leader who tells the truth, a leader who does not respond with hostility and anger when confronted with the facts.

Colbert King, Washington Post

During his appearance before the National Association of Black Journalists on Wednesday, Donald Trump, as usual, played to the audience.

It just wasn’t the audience in the room.

Referring to Vice President Harris, Trump said, “I didn’t know she was Black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn Black, and now she wants to be known as Black. So I don’t know, is she Indian or is she Black?” It was ignorant. It was insulting. And it was a statement dripping with disdain and disrespect for the assembled Black journalists. Trump knew, and they knew that Trump knew, better. Trump was not speaking to them but to a MAGA audience beyond the Hilton Chicago that loves mocking people of color. He was having jaded fun. Think. “She happened to turn Black and now she wants to be known as Black,” he said, sneeringly.

As offensive as all that was to the Black men and women staring in his direction, Trump knew it was getting a belly laugh with his crowd, who can’t get enough of that stuff...

Jessica Tarlov, on Fox "News"

My reaction is that it was a complete, absolute dumpster fire for the former president... I don't feel the need to give him any credit for showing up there because he came with a terrible attitude. []

He hit all of his regular hits, lying about his record for Black Americans... The comparison saying he's done the most for the Black community since Abraham Lincoln is obviously ridiculous. []

I thought that he was rude and offensive to the questioners...

Bill Goodykoontz, Arizona Republic

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like this” is a cliche.

Then, on Wednesday afternoon, I watched Donald Trump’s controversial appearance at the National Association of Black Journalists in Chicago.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like this.

Or maybe in Trump World, it’s just another Wednesday. Who knows?

Seriously, even by Trump’s standards, this was bizarre at best, painful at worst. He insulted Vice President Kamala Harris — again refusing to pronounce her first name correctly, though that was hardly the worst of what he said — and questioning her racial identity.


“I think it is fair to say … this went sideways, and it went sideways pretty quickly,” Kristen Holmes said on CNN after it was over...

Axios morning thing

...The tense interview is being met with GOP reactions ranging from qualified concern to outright shock, with some Republicans questioning Trump's ability to adapt to the new Democratic ticket.

  • "It was awful," one House Republican said of the interview, telling Axios it raised concerns about whether Trump can contain his impulses while running against the first woman, Black and Asian American vice president.
  • Sen Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) said of the Trump campaign: "Maybe they don't know how to handle the campaign, and so you default to issues that just should simply not be an issue."
  • "That was not a demonstration on how to win over undecided voters," another House Republican said...

Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ)

“I think those are the comments of a desperate, scared old man, who, over the last week especially, has been having his butt kicked by an experienced prosecutor, and I think he’s worried,” Kelly told reporters outside the Capitol on Wednesday.

“And she’s going to continue to do this, and she’s going to win the election in November, and she’s going to be our next president...” 

"Harris' War Room"


More reactions later in "Tweets/ Xeets Of The Day." 


  1. Amazing that Trump's immediate response to the debacle was that he "crushed it!" I'm sure he heard the gasps, shocked laughter, and screams about his lies as an excited crowd that was with him all the way! Sure, Jan! Do that some more!

  2. Silver Spring Bureau ChiefAugust 1, 2024 at 1:39:00 PM EDT

    There's no possible way that man has uttered the N word in his life!
