The felonious Malignant Loser, facing a former prosecutor surging in the polls, is showing his fear of debating her, unless it's on the most favorable terms for him. A debate between him and Vice President Harris is scheduled on the ABC network for September 10. Late yesterday, the Orange Turd said on his social media that he's "agreed" to debate the Vice President on the right-wing Fox channel on September 4, hoping to muddy the water and to neutralize her advantage in knowledge, debating skills and honesty. He also wants the Fox debate to be in an arena, where his rabid cult audience can shout down any responses or statements from the Vice President.
The Malignant Loser has been backtracking from the ABC network debate, saying in July that it was premature to commit to a debate with her since she was not the formal nominee. Now that Harris is the de facto nominee that excuse won't fly, so he had to create a new ploy where he appears to be proactive and unafraid. In any fair debate between the two, he knows that she will run circles around him and, as a former prosecutor, put him and his record on trial. He's stalling for time.
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