Thursday, September 12, 2024

Former FBI Head Questions Trump's Russia Ties

There's an article in this morning's The Guardian that reports on a conversation that former Acting Director and Deputy Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe had on the UK's One Decision podcast (co-hosted by Sir Richard Dearlove, former British intelligence chief). The discussion turned to the Malignant Loser's habitual support for Russia's foreign aims and his connection with Moscow. Here's what McCabe had to say, from The Guardian's report:

“I don’t know that I would characterize it as [an] active, recruited, knowing asset in the way that people in the intelligence community think of that term. But I do think that Donald Trump has given us many reasons to question his approach to the Russia problem in the United States, and I think his approach to interacting with Vladimir Putin, be it phone calls, face-to-face meetings, the things that he has said in public about Putin, all raise significant questions. [snip]

"You have to have some very serious questions about, why is it that Donald Trump … has this fawning sort of admiration for Vladimir Putin in a way that no other American president, Republican or Democrat, ever has.

"It may just be from a fundamental misunderstanding of this problem set that’s always a problem. That’s always a possibility. And I guess the other end of that spectrum would be that there is some kind of relationship or a desire for a relationship of some sort, be it economic or business oriented, what have you.

"I think those are possibilities. None of them have been proven. But as an intelligence officer, those are the things that you think about.” (our emphasis)

The Malignant Loser's a Kremlin asset whether he is a knowing one or not. Another term might be one of one attributed to Lenin: a useful idiot. Given the Malignant Loser's priorities, we'd suppose a financial deal with the Kremlin would be at the top of his list of motivations. There's also the simple explanation that he's a sociopath who admires and wants to emulate dictators who can do as they please. We hope someday that the true nature of Russia's hold on the Malignant Loser will be exposed.

(photo: Putin after eating Trump's lunch. Getty Images)


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