Wednesday, September 11, 2024

QOTD -- "In Trouble"


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The cover story for this (written Brian Bennett, Eric Cortellessa and Philip Elliott) is entitled “How Kamala Harris Knocked Donald Trump Off Course,” and includes this observation about last night's debate,

In the nine years since Trump first burst onto the scene, no opponent — Democrat or Republican — has dealt with the 800-lb. gorilla of American politics as coolly, or gotten under his skin to such a degree. [snip]

... [I]n the final stretch, Trump is surrounding himself more and more with a rotating cast of loyalists who are encouraging him to embrace his impulses.

Squared off against his new opponent on stage in Philadelphia, those impulses sent the former President careening into trouble. By the end, Trump looked like a man flailing for a solution to an opponent he has yet to figure out, while Harris continued her tidy policy pivot to the center. Her closing statement espoused a vision of unity, strength, and shared prosperity. His was a bitter lament. “We’re a failing nation,” he said. “We’re laughed at all over the world.”

But the clearest sign that Trump’s bid for a return to the White House may be in trouble came after the debate ended. His top advisers claimed victory in a prepared statement hailing his “masterful” performance. Harris’ immediately asked for another showdown next month.

And his little putter won't save him.  Sad!


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