WaPo columnist Matt Bai, offering some advice to VP Harris for tonight's debate with the unhinged Malignant Loser. Key passage:
"It’s a stale cliché in politics that a candidate just needs to 'be herself.' (I’ve known plenty of candidates for whom being themselves was precisely the problem.) In this case, what I’m saying is Harris needs to be her story, which ought to be the easiest and most instinctive strategy in the world. She needs to sound like the triumphant and grateful child of immigrants she is, raised in a broken home, who somehow willed herself to the pinnacle of politics. It’s essentially the same story she told in her convention speech, when a lot of undecided voters probably didn’t stay up to watch.
That way, while Trump sputters and rambles, Harris can reaffirm for wavering voters exactly what they still want to believe about America: It’s not an inherently unjust country, but one where you can still transcend barriers of race and adversity through sheer persistence. By focusing on her own narrative in a way that’s relentlessly upbeat, Harris can signal that a vote for her is a vote for the American story of community and self-reliance, not simply a rejection of Trump. She can make that vote mean something more than the lesser of bad options." (our emphasis)
Others have also suggested that she stay clear of trading insults with the mentally ill former President, because that won't highlight the glaring contrast between the two. Perhaps. But a few well-targeted zingers may have the effect of raising his ire and remind viewers how unstable and flailing he is. In any event we're sure she's prepared to handle his constant lying and sniping that she'll get from the misogynistic Malignant Loser. For those voters who are -- incredibly -- still undecided, it should hopefully move them to VP Harris' column.
Regardless of the what happens, here's tomorrows NYT headline "Harris stumbles and fumbles, Trump gives master class.......
ReplyDeleteAbout those "still undecided" voters, I am sick unto death with the constant interviews and polling results about these people as though they are the only people of value in the entire country!! I know that the idea of destroying the Electoral College and depending on the popular vote gets a lot of pushback, but it is the only way to stop this lifting up of of the glorious undecideds every 4 years! Otherwise, I have a "modest proposal." If there really are 10K people in PA or GA, or wherever, and it all comes down to them, just identify exactly who they are and just ask them who the President should be! Why do the rest of us have to donate to campaigns or knock on doors and join phone banks? Just let the "Grand 10K" decide! Why should candidates spend hundreds of millions of dollars on travel and rallies and ad-buys? Just let the "Grand 10K" decide! Why do I have to spend 2 or more years listening to people desperately trying to get my vote? Let the "Grand 10K" decide! Maybe I'm kidding a bit, but that is exactly what is happening! As long as it all comes down to 10K votes on the fringes in a couple of battleground states then my vote is actually being stolen every 4 years anyway! I want my vote to count and the Electoral College won't ever let that happen!!
ReplyDeleteIf the Dems don't win this election the electoral college is moot as there will never be an election again.