Sunday, September 15, 2024

Trump's Invitation To Violence Against Immigrants


The toxic duo of the Malignant Loser and his mini-me JD "Junior Demagogue" Vance is continuing to fan the fires of violence and bigotry against immigrants, specifically in Springfield, OH and Aurora, CO. The Haitian immigrants are "eating dogs and cats" accusation has gone from being the Malignant Loser's inane and unhinged rant in his "debate" with VP Harris to being a threat to people in those two communities. The Washington Post reports:

"The Haitian eatery cooks were preparing for Thursday’s lunch rush when the phone rang.

'Got any cats or dogs?' a mocking voice asked.

Romane Pierre, the 41-year-old manager of Rose Goute Creole, didn’t want to alarm his staff. They were already nervous. During the presidential debate barely 36 hours earlier, Republican nominee Donald Trump had targeted Haitians in Springfield, falsely accusing them of “eating the pets of the people that live there.”

Pierre summoned his customer-service politeness.

'No,' he replied, 'but we have chicken and pork.'

A crackpot call was a minor disruption compared with that morning’s bomb threat on city hall, conveyed in a message the mayor described as 'hateful' toward immigrants. By Friday, two elementary schools in this southwestern Ohio city had gone into lockdown and evacuated their students. Pierre’s team, who usually kept the restaurant open late, decided to close before dark.

'Everyone’s scared,' he said, keeping an eye on the glass entrance.

The incendiary claims about immigrants that Trump echoed to millions of Americans have turned a dangerous spotlight on those in the cities he keeps name-checking: Springfield and Aurora, Colo., a Denver suburb where he has repeatedly asserted Venezuelan criminals are 'taking over.'

'We’re going to get these people out,' he said in a news conference Friday, intensifying his attack and promising to stage 'the largest deportation in the history of our country' if reelected."  (our emphasis)

If the Malignant Loser's continuing lies and agitation about immigrants isn't domestic terrorism, then what is?  His diseased mind thinks that this will turn attention to his racist proposals to "deport" millions of undocumented immigrants, and away from his utter unfitness for office and mental decline. But after personally killing the most important immigration legislation in decades in order to give him something to run on, voters need to be reminded that it's his dangerous demagoguery that stood in the way of a better situation on the border. In the meantime, his refusal to condemn the increasing threats to Springfield and Aurora need to be called out and condemned over and over.

(photo: Julio-Cesar Chavez / Reuters)


1 comment:

Cleora Borealis said...

Well-meaning (maybe) reporters and GOP lawmakers have tried to calm the uproar over mass deportations by saying it won't happen because there isn't any infrastructure for it! That might (MIGHT) be comforting if you thought Trump's mass deportation was a policy proposal. IT. IS. NOT! It is a permission slip for people to act like Brownshirts and Trumpen-juden!! Go ahead! Why wait?! You know the POC who moved in down the block are a dangerous infestation from foreign prisons and you need to rid them from your midst before they eat your children!! Does that sound like hyperbole? Yes, and it is the only language Trump speaks!! He wants his minions out there doing the "bloody" work for him!! 🤬