Thursday, September 19, 2024

Trump's "Public Nervous Breakdown" Continues -- I Spy A Desperate Guy


News item:

Iranian hackers sought to interest President Joe Biden’s campaign in information stolen from rival Donald Trump’s campaign, sending unsolicited emails to people associated with the then-Democratic candidate in an effort to interfere in the 2024 election, the FBI and other federal agencies said Wednesday.

There’s no indication that any of the recipients responded, officials said, and several media organizations who have said they also were approached with stolen material did not publish it. Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign called the emails from Iran “unwelcome and unacceptable malicious activity” that were received by only a few people who regarded them as spam or phishing attempts.

The emails were received before the hack of the Trump campaign was publicly acknowledged, and there’s no evidence the recipients of the emails knew their origin.

The announcement is the latest U.S. government effort to call out what officials say is Iran’s brazen, ongoing work to interfere in the election, including a hack-and-leak campaign that the FBI and other federal agencies linked last month to Tehran... (our emphasis)

The lying, gaslighting response from the desperate, treasonous Malignant Loser plays right into and amplifies Iran's objective of sowing seeds of division and discord in the American electorate:

So he's acting as a willing tool of Iran's "malicious activity." Why does the Malignant Loser hate America?  

And as you remember, unlike the Biden -- not Harris -- campaign which declined to take Iran's bait, the 2016 Malignant Loser campaign welcomed Russian help!  The Malignant Loser didn't go through  nearly enough hell for that treason!  So, no cigar for his desperate attempt to tie the Vice President to a scandal that exists only in his fast- deteriorating mind! File this Malignant Loser b.s. and any subsequent b.s. in your mind's circular file.

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