Monday, September 9, 2024

Trump's Swing State Ground Game Is Pathetic

The Malignant Loser's get-out-the-vote efforts in swing states is dwarfed by VP Harris' volunteer army, according to a report in The Guardian. Joy and enthusiasm for the Dem candidate and her running mate Gov. Tim Walz, and passion on issues ranging from womens' reproductive rights and survival of our democracy are surging, with thousands of volunteers to make calls, knock on doors and get Harris' message out. From The Guardian's Hugh Lowell:

"Republican officials are raising the alarm that Donald Trump’s campaign has invested far fewer resources for its voter turnout operation in battleground states than previous presidential election races, and attempts to bridge the gap with political action committees have come too late.

The Republican National Committee (RNC) once envisioned an extensive field operation for the 2024 election, including having about 90 staffers in the must-win state of Pennsylvania.

But the Trump campaign scrapped those plans when it took over the RNC in March, redirecting the focus on field operations to combating supposed voter fraud and pursuing a twin voter turnout strategy of relying on several political action committees and ardent Trump volunteers.

The result has been that the Trump campaign has put fewer resources into its ground game in battleground states, according to people familiar with the matter – and Republican officials have derisively said the Trump operation is more comparable in size to a midterm cycle than a presidential."  (our emphasis)

The Malignant Loser, once feeling cocky about running against President Joe Biden, told his cult that they didn't need to vote because he had so much support without them. Now, against a revitalized Dem Party and nominee who has closed the gap with him, he's likely regretting not having a robust get-out-the-vote at least in several swing states. Of course, it doesn't help that his Christofascist / forced birth loyal shock troops don't trust him on reproductive rights, with his shifting positions and outright lying. Nevertheless, the Malignant Loser will make it an extremely close race, particularly in the swing states, and that's why we need to ratchet up the effort there and in every state, taking nothing for granted.

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