Friday, September 13, 2024

Tweets Of The Day


The Malignant Loser's doubling down on white supremacy (and Loony Loomer) --



🎵 Don't know much about history (or the economy...) --


The Malignant Loser ducks a third debate, taking the "bone spurs" approach --


The Kamala Harris Effect --


The Biden-Harris Effect --


The Malignant Loser Effect --


The Taylor Swift Effect ( -- 


The Mel Brooks Effect? -- 



The Rick Steves Effect? -- 


The drone effect (Happy Friday!) --





Cleora Borealis said...

👏👏 Thank for the Rick Steves twiX! My hubby often feels a little overwhelmed with the sheer number of my current events reports...I admit I overdo! But, he's been a Steves fan forever and he was happy to accept this update! Thank you for saving my marriage! 😘

W. Hackwhacker said...

Cleora -- You're welcome!