Monday, September 16, 2024

What's That Musk-y Smell? Assassination Talk


After his cult leader the Malignant Loser was apparently targeted by another gunman, megalomaniac fascist oligarch and crashing car mogul Elon Musk thought it would be noteworthy to post on his "free speech for me, not for thee" social media site: "... No one is even trying to assassinate Biden/Kamala." After a wave of condemnation, the South African transplant backed off, but not before it was viewed by some 34.7 million viewers. Some critics suggested that Musk should be interviewed by the Secret Service and FBI, and that he was a threat to national security as the owner of defense contractors SpaceX and Starlink, per Newsweek:

"...user @theliamnissan wrote, 'Elon Musk is a threat to national security.'  [snip]

User @LakotaMan1, wrote, 'Who else here feels that Elon Musk should be stripped of his security clearance, and U.S. citizenship and then deported back to his home nation of South Africa?'

Elizabeth de la Vega, a former federal prosecutor, wrote that Musk's post would warrant a visit by the Secret Service.

'In all seriousness, as a former federal prosecutor, I can tell you that a statement like Elon Musk's below DOES require an immediate visit by the U.S. Secret Service. That is the protocol in every similar situation.'"

The article points out that President Biden and Vice President Harris have been the target of foiled assassination plots in the last two years, undermining the reckless mogul's statement. None of this will alter Musk's far-right, vile posting, whether it's about Taylor Swift or assassinating the President and Vice President. But the question should be raised about the security threat Musk poses and why his defense contracts shouldn't be phased out, as former Labor Secretary Robert Reich suggested last month. Someone  as unstable as Musk shouldn't have the power he has over the U.S. defense and space community. 


1 comment:

Cleora Borealis said...

👏👏 Total agreement! Everything about Elon is sketchy and we don't need to reward that! He has dual citizenship so let's just send him back to South Africa! MoveOn has had a petition to deport him on the web for more than a year! Many of the signatures, including mine, are very recent!