Wednesday, September 18, 2024

What's That Musk-y Smell? Political Incompetence

Megalomaniac fascist and car crashing mogul Elon Musk's organizational and managerial talents don't seem to be the greatest, after the costly Twitter buy and it subsequent losses, and his continuing problems with Tesla and his Cybertruck. Nor are his political instincts keen, endorsing fellow sociopathic narcissist the Malignant Loser, apparently after being snubbed by the Biden Administration because of his anti-labor policies, and his generally annoying, unstable behavior. Musk is working to get the Malignant Loser elected so that he can avoid higher taxes and strut around as the Malignant Loser's government "efficiency expert." His America PAC was established to funnel Musk's and others' dark money to the Malignant Loser, but it seems like Musk's wooden touch has affected that operation, too, as The Guardian reports:

"The political action committee, backed by billionaire Elon Musk, has ended its contract with the September Group and will hire a new company to knock on doors with fewer than 50 days left until the election.

America Pac used non-performance as the stated reason to back out of the contract in the past few days, claiming the September Group was not hitting its door-knocking targets, one of people said.

The shakeup comes at a crunch moment for the Trump campaign, which has outsourced virtually its entire ground game operation to a number of political action committees in this presidential cycle. America Pac is seen as the most ambitious, with a presence in every swing state.

As a result of the shakeup, America Pac has not canvassed any neighborhoods in Arizona and Nevada on behalf of the Trump campaign for the past few days as it resets its operations in the two states."  (our emphasis)

The petty oligarch has been so busy tweeting about Taylor Swift and Rage Against the Machine that he hasn't kept an eye on his low-performing political action committee until very recently. They're late to the canvassing game, as are other Malignant Loser-backing PACs:

"They have only started to hire at a rapid clip in recent weeks, the people said, meaning they are reaching Trump supporters late in the cycle when it often takes repeated 'voter contacts' to get them to return a ballot.

The situation means that not only is the size of the formal Trump operation particularly small for the 2024 election, but the door-knockers and canvassers recruited by the Pacs might be less effective compared with previous presidential cycles."  (our emphasis)

We can imagine the Malignant Loser, upon hearing about the lax door knocking campaign on his behalf, is pitching some ketchup bottles at the wall.

(photo: Stick with improving your dangerous cars)

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