Thursday, October 10, 2024

Dementia Don's Enemies List Grows


The unhinged, ever- aggrieved sociopathic narcissist and would- be dictator is becoming more agitated as he sees Vice President Harris making the rounds in the media and pulling ahead in the polls.  As bullies do, his go- to move is to start threatening. To wit --

Following her appearance on CBS' "60 Minutes" on Monday, the Malignant Loser went absolutely bonkers, accusing the program of a "major campaign violation" by editing her remarks to make her look coherent (the projection here is overwhelming).  He wants an investigation, for CBS's license to be taken away, and for Harris to concede the election.  Sounds normal to us.

Then, following its endorsement of Harris and a feature article detailing his mental decline, he went on Lil Ben Shapiro's incel- fest to threaten the New York Effing Times, saying, 

The New York Times is one of the most dishonest of all.  I watched this, New York Times, and it's a classic. Wait until you see what I'm going to do with them, you're going to have so much fun. has more:

  • Trump has promised to get rid of Temporary Protected Status and to deport all the Haitians in Springfield, Ohio.

  • Trump said he would hit tractor maker John Deere with a 200% tariff. Apparently, he believes the company is un-American because it has moved some operations to Mexico. Note that their stock took a 2% hit the day Trump said that, so he's doing harm whether or not he is able to make good on his threats.

  • Trump also wants to prosecute Google, because he is persuaded the search engine only shows negative items about him, and positive items about Kamala Harris. "This is an ILLEGAL ACTIVITY, and hopefully the Justice Department will criminally prosecute them for this blatant Interference of Elections. If not, and subject to the Laws of our Country, I will request their prosecution, at the maximum levels, when I win the Election, and become President of the United States!" he Truthed.

  • A former Trump advisor said that, if the former president is reelected, "Disney is fu**ed." Trump is still angry about the ABC debate, and wants the network's parent company to pay the price.

  • In an interview, Mitt Romney conceded that he's probably a target, and that he's particularly worried that his family will be targeted.

  • Of course, Trump wants to prosecute any election officials he deems to have "cheated" in the 2024 election.

  • And finally, Trump is also threatening to imprison journalists he deems unfriendly.

This much- abbreviated list of the Malignant Loser's enemies and targets would make Richard Nixon blush.  

No doubt these sentiments are being broadly cheered by his similarly aggrieved knuckle- dragging cultists, who also wouldn't mind a little Constitution- shredding because they're such patriots!

What sentient person out there doesn't believe this low- rent Putin, if given the power, would direct his minions in the Federal government (or in State government for that matter) to go after any and all of these "enemies?" And it wouldn't stop there, as it hasn't with Putin or their progenitor Nazis. For someone whose only goal in life now is to seize and maintain power, all bets are off.  He. Must. Be. Stopped.

(Cartoon:  Christopher Weyant, Boston Globe, 2018)

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