Wednesday, October 23, 2024

QOTD: "Deranged Court Jester"

Popular author Jeff VanderMeer, interviewed by Andrew Paul in Popular Science, touching on South African Trumpist fascist Elon "Dipshit" Musk:

Q: It also feels like even many Silicon Valley’s tech leaders are rapidly transforming into more twisted versions of themselves, much like what happens to characters after entering Area X.

"Something I like to do in my writing is take the persona of someone that has to do with bleeding tech, [someone] involved with it that sometimes winds up deranging or derailing the tech. For example, you have Elon Musk establishing his SpaceX spaceport right next to a wildlife refuge and not caring if he destroys a migratory bird pathway. [He has] no understanding of the world around him whatsoever… 

Q: Is there a way out of that mindset for people like Musk and his fans?

I don’t know. I was really quite shaken—even though I shouldn’t have been—by those images of Elon Musk looking up at Trump. The look on his face like a deranged court jester in Titus Andronicus or something, you know? Like something from The Masque of the Red Death. We’re seeing someone who’s supposedly connected to the quote-unquote “logic of technology” debasing himself in such an illogical, almost superstitious manner. Almost medieval. It was quite shocking."

This "deranged court jester" had his ego wounded when the White House didn't invite him to a conference on electric vehicles because of his reactionary position against labor unions. Since then, he's careened to the far right and the embrace of the Malignant Loser, hoping to gain a position in his regime to rip off more taxpayer and consumers while filling his overfull pockets. Dipshit.

(photo: Deranged. Jim Watson / AFP)


1 comment:

Mart said...

Musk could well end the ability to have low orbit satellites. Google "Space X" and "Kessler Syndrome". Very sad, and who is regulating this jaggoff?