Wednesday, October 9, 2024

QOTD -- The Man The Founders Feared Would Come


Tom Nichols, retired professor at the Naval War College and international specialist, concludes an essay in The Atlantic with a warning about the man George Washington and the Founders feared would come one day, Donald Trump:

... Some Americans seem unable to accept how much peril they face should Trump return, perhaps because many of them have never lived in an autocracy. They may yet get their chance: The former president is campaigning on an authoritarian platform. He has claimed that “massive” electoral fraud—defined as the vote in any election he loses—“allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.” He refers to other American citizens as “vermin” and “human scum,” and to journalists as “enemies of the people.” He has described freedom of the press as “frankly disgusting.” He routinely attacks the American legal system, especially when it tries to hold him accountable for his actions. He has said that he will govern as a dictator—but only for a day.

Trump is the man the Founders feared might arise from a mire of populism and ignorance, a selfish demagogue who would stop at nothing to gain and keep power. Washington foresaw the threat to American democracy from someone like Trump: In his farewell address, he worried that “sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction” would manipulate the public’s emotions and their partisan loyalties “to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of public liberty.”

Many Americans in 2016 ignored this warning, and Trump engaged in the greatest betrayal of Washington’s legacy in American history. If given the opportunity, he would betray that legacy again—and the damage to the republic may this time be irreparable.  (our emphasis)

Many Americans will ignore the warning in 2024, as they did in 2020.  He's already proven that, unlike Washington at the end of his second term, he won't go home.  He talks about 2024 being the last election people will have to vote in.  But many Americans will ignore that, too.  His cultists think of themselves as "patriots," but they're the farthest thing from it.

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