Friday, October 4, 2024

Republican Crime Blotter: Michele Fiore Edition

Another MAGAt scammer bites the dust, in this case Las Vegas's former Republican city councilwoman and Trump cultist Michele Fiore.  From the Las Vegas Review-Journal:

"Prosecutors accused Fiore of raising tens of thousands of dollars through her charity and political action committee for a statue honoring Metropolitan Police Department officer Alyn Beck, who was shot and killed with his partner in 2014. But instead of using the money for the statue, prosecutors said Fiore spent the donations on rent, plastic surgery and payments on her daughter’s wedding.

Fiore 'used a tragedy to line her pockets,' federal prosecutor Dahoud Askar told the jury Thursday.

As the guilty verdict was read Thursday afternoon, Fiore looked straight ahead, her hands clasped in front of her. U.S. District Judge Jennifer Dorsey scheduled sentencing for Jan. 6." (our emphasis)

You couldn't ask for a more perfect example of a Trumper and a venal scammer than Fiore.  Siphoning funds for a tribute to a police officer for her own personal benefit (like her mentor the Malignant Loser did with his "charities"). Also, the sentencing date of January 6 is ironic and appropriate for this greedy hack, who would like to see our republic turned into a lawless, Trumpist dictatorship.

(photo: Bang bang, you're done/ Michele Fiore)

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