Friday, November 1, 2024

Tweets /Xeets Of The Day


New:  The Trump - Jeffrey Epstein connection --


Threats from a degenerate fascist --




Lies, lies, and more lies --


Trump's would- be cabinet of dangerous clowns --


Biden's Archivist is a pre-obeying clown, tooFire her! --


What's that Musk-y smell?  One illegal immigrant you should kick out! --



Garbage man, cont. --


Demented Don groovin' to the hits --


The day inflation started --



Don't be shy about the robust economy, Democrats! --



Twins rule!  Just ask us (Happy Friday)!  -- 




  1. I sent my daughter, mother of twin boys the twin vid. She sent back some wonderful pictures of the boys kissing when tiny little guys. Now 5 y.o. and we got to watch their delirious sugar high last night. Great thing about being grandpa and grandma is we can run for the hills when they turn south!

  2. Lordy, the cute twins retrospective was so welcome after so much political nonsense this week! Thank you! ☺️🥰
