Sunday, January 5, 2025

QOTD -- A Shameful Anniversary And History Rewritten


The lead paragraphs of S.V. Date's article on the rewriting of the history of the January 6 attack on the Capitol by MAGA thugs at the criminal instigation of their cult leader:

"It took decades for defenders of the Confederacy to rewrite the history of the Civil War to recast Southern rebels’ treasonous attack against the United States as an act of honor and courage.

It took Donald Trump a mere fraction of that time to accomplish the same feat for his Jan. 6, 2021, coup attempt.

In a mere four years, that day’s effort to end or, at the very least, suspend American democracy with a deadly assault on the Capitol, incited by Trump himself, has for a large swath of the country instead become a peaceful protest whose participants have been persecuted by Trump’s political opponents."

The comparison to the treasonous Confederates is apt, given the racism, lawlessness and violent behavior of MAGA cult members. Tomorrow is the fourth anniversary of that shameful day, where America narrowly missed having its democratic republic form of government overthrown by a mentally unfit, pathological liar, adjudicated rapist and con man. What 77 million Americans voted for....


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