The Malignant Fascist and his mindless and reckless white nationalist cult are soon going to find out what the consequences of their mass deportation policies -- the f*ck around part -- are having on our agricultural sector:
"Fear of increased ICE raids have already negatively affected the nation’s agricultural sector, causing alarm that food prices could skyrocket in the near future as a result of Donald Trump’s aggressive immigration policies.
Bakersfield, California, saw a massive drop-off in the number of field workers showing up for work Tuesday while ICE agents in unmarked Chevy Suburbans rounded up and detained immigrants in the area, profiling individuals they believed to be field workers, reported CalMatters. The end result: acres of unpicked oranges roasting in the California sun at the height of the season. [snip]
Undocumented workers have been targeted walking in and out of gas stations, getting breakfast, at Home Depot, or while driving along the 99 Highway, leaving many with no other option than to simply stay at home.
'We’re in the middle of our citrus harvesting,' Casey Creamer, president of the industry group California Citrus Mutual, told CalMatters. 'This sent shockwaves through the entire community. People aren’t going to work and kids aren’t going to school. Yesterday about 25 percent of the workforce, today 75 percent didn’t show up.'”
Losing the bulk of America’s agricultural workforce overnight is a recipe for 'absolute economic devastation,' according to Richard S. Gearhart, an associate professor of economics at Cal State-Bakersfield, who spoke with the nonprofit news outlet.
'You are talking about a recession-level event if this is the new long-term norm,' Gearhart said, arguing that the end result of Trump’s policies will be felt in the grocery store checkout lines across America." (our emphasis)
We won't have to wait long before construction sites start to close down, meat packing and processed food industry shutdowns occur, restaurants and hotels cut back on hours and services, and the economy that runs on the backs of undocumented workers collapses. As we've stated before, it's our fondest hope that the MF's voters feel the economic and financial pain most of all, even though they're unlikely to accept that their cult leader is responsible.
Meanwhile, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Sphincter Face is telling the attendees that his historic, never before, giant mandate is ushering in the greatest economic advancements the world will ever know!! 🤮 When the US economy fails, those other countries will feel it, too!! So good luck, y'all. Enjoy your conference!! 😁