If anything encapsulates the problem with Dem Party leadership in the face of the Malignant Fascist / Musk assault on our democracy it's this photo. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, 74, and Rep. Maxine Waters, 86, try to rally onlookers outside the Treasury Department building, protesting the takeover of Treasury's vast data systems by Musk's software sociopaths. Schumer led a lame, fist-pumping chant of "we will win," before hedging to "we won't quit" moments later (also, that's Rep. Al Green, 77, on the left in the video waving a cane).
Former Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan commented on MSNBC that this was no way to inspire opposition to the MF's burgeoning fascist state:
"'You know, sitting here in Ohio and watching that all go down, you just think that that is not the messenger and that's not kind of the visual we need, I think, to start turning this thing around. And I just, I just think, you know, Schumer's brand is not good. And all of the things that you guys just itemized and illustrated, it doesn't matter if you don't have a message and a messenger that can communicate that thing.'" (our emphasis)
The complaints won't get through to these stodgy, careerist, out-of-it critters, who believe it's all about the message, and that the messenger doesn't matter. They're so used to believing their own press releases that months down the road they'll be scratching their heads and wondering what happened.
(photo: Kent Nishimura / Reuters)
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