Friday, February 28, 2025

QOTD: Vengeance


Writing in, Heather Digby Parton looks at the Malignant Fascist's driving force, and his use of South African fascist co-President Elon "Dick" Musk as his tool:

"Yes, he originally wanted to become president again to stay out of jail but the Supreme Court took care of that last summer so it became a moot point. And of course he wants to accumulate as much money as possible and is quite successful at doing that as president. So far, he's shown that he no longer cares at all about the appearance of corruption and is openly trading in Crypto schemes and foreign investment partnerships as president. So it's not making money that's making him do what he is doing and it certainly isn't ideology because he has none. No, the motive that is driving him to do everything he's doing is simple: vengeance.

That was the one issue that Trump never failed to bring up on the campaign trail and it's the one, I believe, that motivates everything he is doing today. I've written about his philosophy of retribution extensively over the years because he's never tried to hide it and it clearly is one of the single greatest clues to his character. But it's now gone far beyond his desire to hurt individuals — he's intent upon seeking revenge against the country itself, maybe even the whole world.

Trump is seething with anger and resentment at having been officially exposed as a sexual predator, a fraud, a coup plotter and a thief. He's still upset about the Russia Investigation, which he even brought up again on Thursday, explaining that he and Vladimir Putin were bonded over it so he feels he can trust the Russian dictator. Imagine the fury and frustration he feels at people knowing, no matter how much he says otherwise, that he lost the 2020 election and couldn't admit it. The damage to his fragile psyche is overwhelming and all he wants now is to wreak revenge on his enemies." (our emphasis)

The existential crisis America faces is that he has no qualms about taking us, our allies, and even his cult down to ruin to satisfy his quest for vengeance for those who, real or not, wounded his disturbed psyche. 


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