Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Trump Dumps On Low-Flow Toilets


You can't say that the clownish Malignant Fascist doesn't think of his own "needs" first. He's always had a problem with toilets that require multiple flushes to handle his voluminous turds and classified documents. He announced this morning on his social media, with typical ALL CAPS, that low-flow toilets, among other water-requiring devices, were on his, er, shit list:

"I am hereby instructing Secretary Lee Zeldin to immediately go back to my Environmental Orders," Trump posted, "which were terminated by Crooked Joe Biden, on Water Standards and Flow pertaining to SINKS, SHOWERS, TOILETS, WASHING MACHINES, DISHWASHERS, etc., and to likewise go back to the common sense standards on LIGHTBULBS, that were put in place by the Trump Administration, but terminated by Crooked Joe. I look forward to signing these Orders. THANK YOU!!!"

Dumper Trump made low- flow bathroom facilities a personal crusade in his first term. We appreciate that the MF's time on the golf course, at photo opportunities signing absurd Executive Orders, and answering questions about President Musk is being reduced by his time flushing his gold-plated porcelain throne. However, this seems to be an overreaction to a problem that could be mitigated by a high fiber diet, without adversely impacting our precious water supplies.

(photo: "Melania, I need toilet paper....Melania?...Melania?...) 


1 comment:

  1. When the low flow toilets first came out many worked for shit, so to speak. A lot of other low flow appliances had issues, smelly clothes out of the wash, and dirty dish dishwashers. The manufacturers responded by, surprisingly, making them work. Kohler worked with Japanese synthetic poop and computer modeling to get their low flow toilets to pass all but the biggest jobs. And they work great now. The right have mostly stopped (including the MF), but every now and again they still lament the passing of the incandescent light bulb - "the standard for health and wellness since 1959!" Compact fluorescent were not ideal what with mercury and "off" lighting, but they significantly cut my power bill. Now with LED's in every conceivable size, shape, and color; with even better power savings, could you weirdos give it up already?
