Tuesday, March 25, 2025

It's A Bird, It's A Plane, It's A Double Entendre!


The oblivious 47th "president," the Malignant Fascist, has proudly announced the name of the newest U.S. fighter jet: it's the "F-47."  Yes, we heartily agree!  Eff 47!  Eff you, you Malignant Fascist!

Somehow, a "picture" of the "prototype," looking like it had a lot of input from co-President Musk, has been taken:

(Credit: Well done, Todd Lambert)

BONUS:  These warplanes have names like F-15 Eagle and F-22 Raptor.  There wasn't a name for the "F-47" mentioned, so we can suggest a few:

F-47 Bonespur

F-47 Democracy Destroyer

F-47 Felon

Have at it!


  1. Yes folks, what will be the ruler of the sky, with the F-47 tag (47 for Trump the 47th president). There will not be a Navy version, since its bone spurs would cut through the arresting gear used for carrier deck landings. Will have a rear ventral refueling socket, so it can be refueled from behind. Should win every combat sortie, but it will never fly one, being a behind-schedule and over-budget Boeing product and so hideously expensive it can't be risked in combat. Will come in variety of gold-tone finishes to be better observed at air shows and rallies. All costs will be borne by the American taxpayer, but its design will be a joint project of American, Russian and Chinese intelligence sharing; design, development and production documentation may be viewed in the public-access Mar-A-Lago bathroom, though there is some talk about having to purchase a 5 million Trump gift card.

  2. Unfortunately, the glowing orange paint on the F-47 made it an easy target for our former NATO allies.

  3. Planes have names like Eagle, Hornet or even Warthog (for the A10)....the F-47 will be the Turkey Vulture.
