Now with the treasonous Malignant Fascist openly siding with imperial fascist Russia in its attempt to bring Ukraine into it's "Greater Russia," the nations in the European Union and the UK will be critical to Ukraine's fight for survival. With a large but untapped arms capability, Europe is now motivated to supplant what will be lost through the Putin-approved actions of the MF, as noted in our post below. Fortunately, with the addition of Sweden and Finland to NATO, significant, advanced weapons capability has been added. But can an awakened Europe meet the challenge? Nobel Prize laureate Paul Krugman writes in his Substack post:
"Does Europe have the resources to save Ukraine? Of course it does. The European Union and the UK combined have ten times Russia’s GDP. European aid to Ukraine has long exceeded US aid, and Europe could easily replace America’s share. In the early stages of the war, the US provided the bulk of the military aid, but even that gap has greatly narrowed.
Can Europe step up fast enough? There are, as I understand it, some important weapons systems America may stop supplying that Europe can’t quickly replace. But as Phillips O’Brien has pointed out, we’ve been hearing predictions of Ukraine’s imminent collapse for at least a year, when the reality is that Russia has achieved only minor and meaningless territorial gains at immense cost in men and materiel. [snip]
Trump probably imagines that he can bully European leaders into standing aside and letting his friend (or boss?) Vladimir win. And given Europe’s history of timidity, you can understand why he might think that. But European leaders are certainly saying the right things now and also talking, in a way I’ve never seen before, about in effect declaring independence from the United States." (our emphasis)
As always, please read Dr. Krugman's entire article. Incalculable damage has been done to the Atlantic alliance by the MF and his fascist coterie in service to the Russian aggressors. Also Russia's friends will now be tempted to imitate Russia's aggression without fear of the MF responding. That's the situation the world is in now, thanks to the gangster MF and his ally / leader Vladimir Putin.
The MF's cult controls the Congress and the Supreme Court, but it's still a minority party and a regime doing unpopular things. The 2026 mid-term elections (if held) will determine whether the MF's treasonous activities and his destruction of our democracy at home will remain unopposed institutionally. In the meantime, organized grass roots resistance will need to grow in size and intensity.
(photo: the flags of the European Union)
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