Sunday, March 16, 2025

QOTD -- Losing Faith


"... Any Democrat paying attention knew this week of negotiations was going to be terrible for them. But, many say, it was Schumer’s leadership that left them looking and feeling even worse—and with much less leverage for future fight, now that Senate Republicans saw how easy it was to write what Trump wants into the bills, make no effort to reach out to Democrats, and watch them be the ones to attack each other.

“'Republicans saw Democrats were weak, and thought, ‘We’re going to call your bluff’—and they were right,” said a top aide to one Senate Democrat. “This was always going to be no-win. But it didn’t have to be this much of an ‘L’.'” -- Edward-Isaac Dovere and Annie Grayer, CNN, writing about Democrats inside and outside the Senate losing faith in Minority Leader Chuck Schumer after his disastrous performance on the MAGA Continuing Resolution last week.  We don't want to endlessly bash Schumer, and certainly not engage in a Democratic circular firing squad while the fascists have taken over the federal government.  The Democratic Party, at least that represented in Congress by 37 out of 47 Senate Democrats/Independents and 213 out of 214 House Democrats, is the only remaining political counterweight to the Malignant Fascist and his cult.  But, we can't fight effectively with the sclerotic, clubby leadership currently in place in the Senate.  

Schumer begins a book tour (!!) this coming week.  He should hear (respectfully, but firmly) that his time is over and that new, effective leadership drawn from one of the 37 Democratic Senators who fought to stop the MAGA CR needs to emerge sooner rather than later.


  1. Here's my take. We pick 5 from each side. (insert names here)Then, call a joint session. As soon as everyone is seated. Nail the doors shut. Let them debate the price of bird seed, for a couple hours while we evacuate a 3 mile radius around the target. Assemble every piece of munitions and artillery denied to Ukraine, as well as 50-100 suicide drones. Put on a firepower demonstration. Keep expanding the impact area and wash, rinse, repeat until we're out of limp wristed Democrats and Magat's. I'll volunteer my services to act as a forward observer.

  2. Seafury -- Jonathan Swift (the 18th Century one) would be proud of your effort!
