Thursday, August 2, 2007


In the wake of the gruesome collapse of the I-35W bridge in Minneapolis yesterday, investigations into the cause of the bridge's collapse are already taking shape. But one thing is clear: this should not be happening in America. Hopefully, those in government who may have been penny-foolish and pound-foolish, like Minnestota Rethug Governor Tim "No New Taxes" Pawlenty ,will be held to account, as appropriate. Those who have engendered a culture of government-on-the-cheap, both in Minnesota and in Washington, D.C., should remember that you get what you pay for; and voters should remember that you get what you vote for.

UPDATE: As Lawyers, Guns and Money points out, it didn't take long for the wingnut Wurlitzer to begin spinning dark conspiracy theories of Islamist "terrists" behind the catastrophic bridge collapse. Please. Can't they give their fevered imaginations and keyboards a rest? More to the point, if this is the ultimate struggle of our civilization, why the hell aren't they in Iraq or Afghanistan fighting it?

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