It's hard to be shocked anymore at the garbage that comes out of the mouth of hate radio king and Rethuglican philosopher Rush "Pills" Limpballs. But over the past few days, the porcine pill-popper descended to a new low when he attacked Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke for her Congressional testimony in support of womens' reproductive health. Referring to her as a "slut" and "prostitute," the Pig Man said:
"If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, and thus pay for you to have sex, we want something for it, and I'll tell you what it is. We want you to post the videos online so we can all watch."Watching videos of a young woman having sex would no doubt please the Pig Man, who is famous for returning from a Dominican Republic sex tour a few years ago with lots of Viagra not prescribed to him. He's on, what, his fourth wife? And no children? Maybe his multiple wives have taken one look at him in the buff (mfff, sorry, threw up in my mouth) and decided to hold an aspirin between their knees. No other contraception needed.
It's hard to imagine this sick f*ck going lower, but he keeps shoveling in the sewer so there's no telling how far down he'll go.
UPDATE: The advertisers are starting to leave the Pig Man's radio show; also, President Obama, to his great credit, called Sandra Fluke today to thank her for speaking up and to say her parents should be proud of her. White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, speaking for the President, called Limpballs' remarks "reprehensible" and "crude."
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