Monday, August 11, 2014

"Meet The Press" Death Spiral: Todd To Replace Gregory?

Is NBC really going to replace Dancin' Dave Gregory with Chuck "Not My Job" Todd as Republican talking point catapulter host of "Meet the Press" (a.k.a., "Press the Meat" or "The John McCain/ Lindsey Graham Show")?  What's that definition of "insanity" again?

If so, here's a snippet of what we can expect in the future from the incisive, un-biased, well-informed Chuck (from this past Sunday's "Press the Meat"):
You know. Your original question is what did we learn about the [Obama] doctrine. And I think that I've been trying to figure out this man's doctrine now for six years. He doesn't have one.
Karoli over at Crooks and Liars patiently explains to Chuck what he hasn't bothered "to figure out" for six years because he was too busy regurgitating polling information as a substitute for analysis, and studiously avoiding informing the public (because that's not a journalist's job, dammit!).  With Chuck at the "Press the Meat" helm, the ratings plunge will continue, as will this format's already dubious credibility.

Let's see:  Chuck Todd or Rachel Maddow?  Or Chris Hayes?  Wow, the suits at NBC seem to be just as clueless as ol' Chuck himself.

UPDATE:  Fox "News'" anchor Chris Wallace throws floundering Dancin' Dave, um,  an anchor.

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