Monday, August 11, 2014

Our Broken Media, Cont'd.

As we noted in the post below, our "not my job" elites malpracticing journalism on Sunday talk shows keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.  Case in point:  angry sore loser Sen. John "McNasty" McCain will never get over his 2008 defeat at the hands of a black man President Obama, and if you invite him on your Sunday poo-flings, you'll get the predictable straight talk venom directed at the President.  But don't tell that to CNN's Candy "From Strangers" Crowley:
"Senator McCain, lots of people, when we have you on, often say, why do you have him on so often? And we say because he answers our questions, because he expresses his views quite clearly."
Please, Candy From Strangers, McNasty's rear end is wrinkled enough without more smooches from you.  McNasty, often accompanied by his sidekick and war booster South Carolina Sen. Lindsey "Huckleberry Closetcase"* Graham, will perform CNN's -- and ABC's/CBS's/NBC's/Fux's -- hatchet job so they don't have to themselves.  He's deeply, inconsolably bitter about losing what he thought was his destiny:  the Presidency.  Candy From Strangers, along with every other Sunday "host," is his facilitator, when what he clearly needs is an intervention.
* The great Charles P. Pierce's memorable moniker for him.

(photo:  Candy and Lemon)

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