Monday, August 10, 2015

Pitchforks Vs. Salad Forks: Rumble On The Right

The candidacy of short-fingered vulgarian (h/t Tengrain/ MPS) Donald "Rump" Trump has opened deep fissures within the right wing.  On one side of the divide are candidates preferred by the corporate Rethug establishment, e.g., the House of Bush's John Ellis "J.E.B.!" Bush, failed New Jersey Gov. Chris "Krispykreme" Christie, thirsty opportunist Sen. Marco "Glug Glug" Rubio, and Koch Industries' shill Gov. Scott "Koch Head" Walker.  On the other side of the divide are candidates who want to project themselves as outsiders, most clearly Rump himself, joined by his smarmy, treacherous enabler Sen. Ted "Tailgunner Ted" Cruz, and mean girl job destroyer Carly "Snarly" Fiorina.

The divide has also opened up in right wing media, especially after the Fux "News" Channel's "debate" of last Thursday.  Establishment right wing media outlets -- and Republican-wired "centrist" media -- are lining up against Rump over his misogynistic attacks on Fuxer Megyn Kelly.  However, as Media Matters reports, non-traditional right wing media, including many in hate radio and the influential wingnut blogosphere, are defending Rump and depicting Fux as overtly trying to torpedo Rump's chances in order to clear the way for an establishment-friendly candidate (who holds roughly the same views as Rump, but is more discreet about expressing them).

For our part, we're delighted to see the knives come out on the right.  The chickens are coming home to roost after decades of inflammatory, bigoted and deceitful rhetoric from Republican / New Confederate / Stupid Party politicians and their media created an angry, clueless, and disobedient mob.  Master, meet monster.

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