Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Molly Ivins

Another of the original hackwhackers, and one of the best ever, Molly Ivins passed away today after a long battle with breast cancer. Molly was the well-respected syndicated columnist for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and author of "Shrub," an account of Bush's record as a businessman and Governor of Texas. She had a wonderful sense of style and language, and whether you agreed with her or not on every position, she was always a joy to read. Rest in peace.


  1. Saw you over at that nutcase's linked to by Sadly No. Oy. Keep up the good work, and so long to Good Molly.

  2. And holy crap, look at this response to DocAmazing:

    Yes, as a taxpayer you have the right to ask "WTF" your president is up to, but the final decision about what you get to see is up to the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the government you pay for. If you don't like the answer, you can do something about it.

    Mindnumbing gibberish aside, does that even speak to the idiotic comparison of journos having anon. sources and government keeping secrets from citizens?

    What a hyper dork.

  3. Thanks for the encouragement, little thom! Being able to occasionally access the dementia that is Wingnutia and then exit back into reality can be an exhilarating experience. As for hyper dork, shades of the "Good German!"
