Thursday, February 15, 2007

Snow Baloney

Question: How do you know White House Press Suckertary Tony Snow is fibbing?
Answer: When his lips move.

Snow's lips are moving again. In today's daily press briefing, a reporter cited military documents from 2002 that projected that by now a token American force of only 5000 soldiers would be needed in Iraq. "What went wrong?" the reporter asked. "I'm not sure anything went wrong" Snow fibbed. He went on to spin a tale of how once battle begins, all bets are off. Well, not in this case. The initial fight to overthrow Saddam went according to plan. The problem was, there was nothing planned for the subsequent occupation that was based on reality. And for that, thousands of people have died. So Tony, STFU.

1 comment:

  1. Wait a tic...what does "STFU" stand fo- oh, got it just now.
