Friday, February 16, 2007

Unholy Alliance

The Catholic League's Bill "Secular Jews Control Hollywood" Donohue has been making the rounds of the media of late, ostensibly to defend the faith against some naughty bloggers. What doesn't seem to be widely discussed is that the League itself seems to be a wholly owned subsidiary of the Rethuglican Party. Check out the board of advisors: Brent Bozell, Linda Chavez, Dinesh D'Souza, Robert George, Alan Keyes, Lawrence Kudlow (!), Kate O'Beirne, William Simon, Jr. for starters. President Donohue himself is an "adjunct scholar" at the Heritage Foundation, a Rethuglican "think tank," and is on the board of the Washington Legal Foundation, which litigates in favor of the tobacco industry and is supported in part by the far right Scaife Foundation. Think about that the next time Bigoted Bill shows up on your tube with his pious message.

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