Monday, March 5, 2007

Ann Coulter, CPAC Heroine

It will be instructive in the coming days to see what the ultimate fallout, if any, will be as a result of Ann "Adam's Apple" Coulter's despicable remarks to CPAC last week. Coulter, a borderline(?) sociopath, used a derogatory word in referring to former Sen. John Edwards (a short while later, demonstrating her pathology for all to witness, she said a questioner was "ugly" for asking her about her multiple broken engagements -- yeah, she knows ugly!).

We all know what the fallout was when progressive Amanda Marcotte was vilified for her writings on religion and the Catholic Church -- the synthetic outrage of the wingnuts, the MSM's familiar water-carrying for said wingnuts, etc. Let's see how long the vicious Coulter is subjected to the same withering attention, how many organizations and media outlets drop her from their stable of "colorful commentators," and how long it takes for her to make an apology (or "enter rehab" in her words). Let not your expectations get too elevated!

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