Friday, March 23, 2007

Smell The Smoke?

The item in today's WaPo on the maneuverings of the White House to get "Turd Blossom" Rove's operative in the U.S. Attorney job in Arkansas has some interesting points. It appears from White House e-mails that this was unusually long in preparing - - planning months before the dismissal of the previous attorney, Bud Cummins - - considering the rather small office (Arkansas). Do you wonder why Tim Griffin, Turd Blossom's guy for "opposition research" (digger up of dirt) out of the Rethuglican National Committee, would be assigned to Arkansas of all locations? Could it be because Hillary Clinton's running for President and the Rethugs want to have their guy in place in the months ahead to recycle their crap about Whitewater, Troopergate, etc.?

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