Saturday, April 28, 2007

News You Won't See on Fox - Weekend Edition

Adding new meaning to the term "foreign aid," Bushie director of the U.S. Agency for International Development (A.I.D.) Randall Tobias resigned Friday after admitting he had used the "massage" services of Central American women, as well as the services of a high-priced call girl ring operated by the "DC Madam," a.k.a. Pamela Martin, a.k.a. Deborah Palfrey. Another in a long line of Rethug hypocrites, Tobias is 65 and married, and will doubtless be the subject of multiple news stories on Fox, as soon as they break into their 24/7 coverage of every "terrist" plot foiled, treasonous Democrat action, or candidate haircut/weight/accent/middle name humor.

BTW, just two days before, Tobias was at the White House, where Preznit Chimpy (always on top of things) praised his efforts coordinating global AIDS relief ("Heckuva job, Tobie"??).

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