Thursday, June 7, 2007

Down The Tubes, Ted?

Bad news for Senate internet expert Senator Ted "Tubes" Stevens (Rethug.-Porkland). He's acknowledging that the FBI has asked him to retain his records as part of an investigation into bribery and corruption involving his son and others in Alaska. Looks like some big bucks may have changed hands for favorable energy legislation, etc. Why is it that the senior Rethugs (Stevens, Duke Cunningham, and "Sneaky Pete" Domenici, to name a few) seem to think that they're above ethics and the law? Arrogance, contempt for government, and greed.

If "Tubes" is forced to do a stretch in the pokey, he can always assist fellow prisoners in mastering the internet tubes.

(Ed. note: If and when "Tubes" is sentenced to jail time, his lawyer should file a motion to have him serve his time at the LA Regional Detention Facility, where it's rumored the Sheriff goes easy on celebs.)

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