Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The "New Jesus" Problem

As described by James Fallows in The Atlantic, Gen. Petraeus has the "New Jesus" problem: expectations placed on a new "savior" by a cynical and incompetent Assministration will be almost impossible to achieve. The Assministration has been trotting him out as the new military messiah since the surge was announced, and earlier generals shuffled off the stage. Neocon numbnuts Wee Willie Kristol has even dubbed him the new Ulysses S. Grant, sure to bring victory in, um, well let's not talk about timetables. The Preznit's constant referral to the General's September "report" has made it seem like we're waiting for a new Gospel, instead of a predictable "we're winning" justification for protracted war. There's no other reason for Chimpy to be boosting the "New Jesus" if the outcome wasn't already set.

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