Monday, July 23, 2007

Wee Willie's War

William "Wee Willie" Kristol's "we're winning in Iraq" op-ed poop in last week's WaPo has elicited more that 200 expressions of outrage, disbelief and laughter. Except of course from the Presidunce, who liked it.

Kristol's a smarmy, self-satisfied little neocon who appears regularly on Fux News Sunday, the Bush Assministration's official outlet, and who always has clever little things to say about "Defeatist Democrats" and other opponents of Bush's war in Iraq. He's never once apologized for the consistent wrongness of his views, particularly over Iraq. But he has a chance to get a whiff of the mess he's helped to propagandize, since the little putz is going to Iraq (follow ThinkProgress link). Too bad they won't issue him a helmet, uniform, and rifle over there so that he can help us "win". They won't because they have standards, after all.

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