Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Face of Republicanism

Robert Murray, that loudmouth bully we've been seeing talking about the mine disaster in Utah, continues to claim it was "seismic activity" that caused the collapse of the Crandall Canyon mine, despite seismologists who say there was no seismic activity recorded. Murray, CEO of Murray Energy Corporation, is a heavy contributor to the Republican Party and Dumbya in particular. Therefore, it shouldn't surprise anyone that he has only a glancing familiarity with the truth. But, it seems his operations have been fined for numerous violations and, as recently as April 18, his company was warned about mining operations at Crandall Canyon, specifically that the operators were engaged in "retreat mining," a dangerous technique that Murray steadfastly denies was taking place at Crandall Canyon.

The technique Murray has been employing to date seems to be the "act of God, nothing to investigate here, move along please" smokescreen. He's blustered and bullied his way through tight spots before, hoping his Rethug contributions and connections will protect him. Maybe not this time.

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