There's an exclusive rogues gallery of extreme right wing sociopaths that plague America's media today: (M)Ann Coulter, Michelle MalKKKin, Dirty Debbie Schlussel, and Melanie "You Smell-a-nie" Morgan, who's vying for recognition as the nastiest one of all. Crooks and Liars has a clip from Countdown's "Worst Person In the World Segment" that quotes the "Worst" Morgan as sneering that Iraq veteran and war opponent Jon Soltz "needs to be stomped on and neutralized" for his anti-war dissent. So much for reich wing respect for our soldiers.
She also appeared earlier on Tweety's "Hardball" with progressive Naomi Wolf, and proceeded to screetch that despite Cheney's opposition to invading Iraq in the 1990s, he was perfectly correct in his misguided invasion in 2003, despite the lies leading up to the war. It got so bad at the end that even Tweety was cutting her off, rolling his eyes, and telling her she wasn't answering his questions. Then, Morgan's feed went out, and we saw a set of color bars where the raging winger had just been. Which reminded us of the scene in "Wizard of Oz" - - "I'm melting. . . melllltiiiinggg."
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