Right wing Sen. Larry "Lewd Larry" Craig (Rethug-ID), center in photo, issued his formal statement yesterday concerning his arrest and guilty plea to disorderly conduct/lewd behavior in an airport mensroom incident in Minneapolis in June. Keeping a straight (no pun intended) face throughout, Lewd Larry refused to acknowledge that he plays the pink piccolo, and blamed it all on a media vendetta by the Idaho Statesman newspaper. He had no explanation for the fact that he had sufficient time between his arrest in June and his court appearance in August to consider at length whether he should plead guilty. He also didn't discuss his flashing of his Senate business card, asking "What do you think about this?" to the arresting officer in an attempt to intimidate him. Lewd Larry has now lawyered up, and faces a Senate ethics investigation.
It's interesting that the first words out of his mouth were, "thank you all very much for coming out today," a Freudian slip if there ever was one.
Oh, he plays the pink piccolo too? Larry is an accomplished skin flutist as well. That's impressive.